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Jim Hexcrash's Leveling Guide

Hello and welcome to my official leveling strategy guide that I have developed for sometime. I've intended the idea of releasing my leveling strategy online but I never did. But now I am ready to release the guide publicly! In this strategy guide I will be thoroughly explaining how you can get to level 30 pretty quickly. However if you're the type of player that loves to sail and use cannon well then this guide is not intended for that kind of in-game audience. This strategy is ground combat only and will not change for the ideal of sailing and other off ground combat activities. In this guide you will need to acquire a sword, gun, dagger and grenades. I highly suggest you follow this guide and get the weapons ASAP! Okay so without further ado lets jump right into the guide how I got to level 30 in 2 days. I want friendly viewers of this strategy to also note that this may take longer for any new viewers trying this strategy out for the first time.

LEVELS 1 - 7:

When you first make a character you'll start off with a sword and that is it. You're going to finish the beginning quest in your journal log so that you can obtain your gun. Once you have acquired your gun from Captain Barbossa you will then return to Port Royal. Once you're back at Port Royal you will go to the Graveyard where you will start leveling. Also please lower your graphical settings to the lowest that they can be. This leveling strategy is not FPS friendly (Required). Now that I got that out of the way we can now begin further discussion about this area. Most people are very familiar with just hitting one enemy at a time to gain experience but that is not what we'll be doing. In this strategy you will be making armies of enemies. In this first leveling strategy you will be targeting all your enemies with your gun in a circle like pattern around the graveyard and then killing them with your sword once their all bunched together in a pit. Keep in mind the AI's will be wonky sometimes, so don't worry! Also when leveling your sword it's good to have sweep trained so you will deal potential damage to them. Also doing armies is very scary sometimes for new players to experience because it can be quite overwhelming but inevitably you will get the hang of it. This picture and video will thoroughly explain the strategy below.

LEVELS 7 - 15:

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